Many hands make light work

Ashley and Emily volunteering

Several Travois staff members prepared food and served meals at the Episcopal Community Kitchen in Kansas City recently. This volunteer activity was organized by our Anigadugi Volunteer Committee.

Every weekday, the kitchen serves between 400 and 600 homeless and working poor in the Kansas City metropolitan area. About 70 percent of the food is donated.

While many of us like to cook, we’ve never made quite that much food for one meal! We helped wash and chop avocados, grapes, onions, strawberries, tomatoes and peppers, arrange desserts on platters, and separate chicken from the bones.

  • Kellie volunteering
  • Phil volunteering
  • Ashley and Emily volunteering
  • Matt and Jason volunteering

We were thrilled to help out and hope we will be back soon!

To learn more, visit the Kansas City Community Kitchen website.