Travois exists to support Indigenous clients as they build affordable housing and grow their economies. We want to help our clients create communities where every family has a safe home and every person has a good job.

In our work, we see Native Nations meeting historical and current manifestations of colonization, oppression, and violence with resilience and strength. However, we recognize that this fight to maintain and strengthen Tribal sovereignty is constant.

Because we are not a Native-owned organization, it is imperative that we steadfastly acknowledge this context and continually educate ourselves about the realities faced by those we serve. We are committed to standing with Native Nations as they face these challenges, and we are dedicated to supporting a future defined by them.

As a company, we are committed to helping our clients thrive as well as our employees who serve them. By grounding ourselves in a mindset of asking “What can we do?” rather than saying “This is what we do,” Travois is working to ensure:

  • Indigenous voices are well-represented on our team and elevated in our work.
  • Native communities have access to private and public resources.
  • We meet the needs of our team members as a whole person, so that they can more
    effectively meet the needs of our clients.
  • Our internal and external partners have a shared understanding of and are
    collectively invested in supporting our clients’ visions.