More compliance professionals earn NTCCP Certification

The National American Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) had a very successful Leadership Institute Expo in beautiful Seattle, WA, the week of June 10. All of the courses were well attended.

The NAHASDA – LIHTC Compliance course, which included the NAHASDA & Tax Credit Compliance Professional (NTCCP) Certification exam, had 33 people in attendance — including four currently certified NTCCP participants!

Our NTCCP recipients were attending the course to update their information and satisfy their continuing education requirements. We were honored that they attended and happy to have their input during class discussions. Twenty-five people took their NTCCP certification exam at the end of the course.

NAIHC also sponsored a drawing for a Pendleton baby blanket, which was won by Dr. Robin Bighorn, executive director of the Fort Peck Housing Authority.

The next NAIHC – LIHTC Compliance training and NTCCP exam will be held in Oklahoma City as part of the NAIHC Leadership Institute Training Expo scheduled for the week of November 5-7.

For more information, please go to the NAIHC website.