The newest addition to the blogosphere: Travois’ blog

David Bland

Working in the affordable housing and economic development industries, our clients in Indian Country accomplish amazing things everyday ─ they manage the construction of homes for needy tribal members, put together business plans for new services to offer on their reservations or fulfill compliance requirements that take a great deal of coordination and expertise.

In the midst of these complex federal tax credit programs are positive stories that are not shared nearly enough. We want to keep you better informed of successes we see in American Indian, Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian communities.

We previously published a quarterly newsletter called Dreamcatcher, and we are migrating to this new format, a blog, to give you more timely updates, a chance to share feedback and get to know us (and each other) better.

We will blog about the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program, the New Markets Tax Credit program, successful projects, answers to frequently asked questions, industry updates and other topics we find amusing or important.

Want to join the conversation? You can:

  • Send us story ideas or tell us about a project you would like us to write about. Email us. (
  • Let us know how we’re doing. Comment on our posts and start a discussion. Please be sure to respect our rules for comments.

Thanks for reading.