The Quechan Housing Authority (QHA) is currently building 44 new homes and a community building through its first Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) development, QHA Homes #1.
The homes, a mix of single-family houses and duplexes, are being constructed in an existing subdivision on the Fort Yuma Reservation in Winterhaven, which is in Southern California, just north of Yuma, AZ.

All of the buildings will take advantage of this sunny location and will have solar panels to help lower energy costs and save residents money.
Cliff O’Neill, executive director at QHA, recently shared a happy story with his housing staff and Travois:
“A tribal member who recently moved into one of the new Low Income Housing Tax Credit units became very emotional and moved to tears as she was being given the orientation to her unit. She loves the quality and amenities provided in the unit and is very happy for her children and family to be living in such an affordable unit on the reservation. Her rent in Yuma was over $900 each month for a much poorer-quality unit.
“As stated in the QHA mission, we are determined to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing on the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, in addition to providing affordable rental opportunities for tribal members,” Cliff said. “The Low Income Housing Tax Credit is our most recent example of implementing this mission – I wish to thank all of you [QHA staff] for your ongoing contributions to the mission of the QHA and creating more positive housing opportunities for tribal members.”

The story moved everyone at Travois, and I’m so proud to be part of this project. We love sharing stories about what a difference affordable, safe and quality housing makes in families’ lives.
Congratulations, Cliff and QHA staff. We all look forward to seeing more families move into their new homes as the project nears completion!
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