The University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law Alumni Magazine, Res Ipsa, is focusing its most recent issue on UMKC alumni who work to develop housing and community spaces for those in need. Res Ipsa is Latin for “It Speaks for Itself.”
Alumna Casey Cline, development director, joined Travois in 2011, two years after she graduated with both a law degree and an MBA from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She’s been a huge part of Travois’ client successes for these past seven years and has been development director since 2014, guiding a team of five professionals.

The resulting housing that Casey and her fellow featured alums have helped create – affordable housing for Native communities, along with tiny homes for homeless veterans and removing the blight of vacant structures – speaks to how critical their law degrees have been in fighting “uphill battles to help people find adequate housing.”
The article introduces the alumni spotlights with these words: “While their actions differ, their mission is the same: Home sweet home.”
Read more about Casey and her work at Travois here.