The La’i’Opua 2020 Workforce Development & Business Incubation Center (L2020) is the second phase of the Kaniohale Community Association, a Native Hawaiian homeowners association in the Villages of La’i’Opua.
The center will help address the economic stability and prosperity of the Native Hawaiian community on the island of Hawaii. This 13,671-square-foot building includes:
- three workforce development classrooms
- a business incubator
- office space
- a certified commercial kitchen
- and community gathering space.
The center offers professional training for certified nursing assistants, financial literacy counseling, yoga classes and Maritime Foundation pre-sea classes.
Travois consulted with L2020 and two community development entities: Chickasaw Nation Community Development Endeavor and Valued Growth Associates.
CNCDE provided $5 million in NMTC allocation.
At a Glance
- Native Organization: La’i’ Ōpua 2020
- Date Closed with Investor: 2017
- Date Completed: 2018
- Development Type: Community Center
- Project Status: Complete
- Total Investor Equity: $2,700,000
- Total Project Cost: $8,000,000