The Warm Springs Housing Authority recently hosted a grand opening to celebrate its first Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project, Greeley Heights, located on the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs reservation.
The housing authority invited the whole community to the project site to walk through a finished home, cheer on Rose and her family — they are moving into one of the new homes and participated in the ribbon cutting — and enjoy some barbecue. Close to 200 community members attended the event.

Scott Moses, Warm Springs Housing Authority executive director, lead the presentation and was also joined at the podium by Mike McHam, state of Oregon; Tom Carney, Northwest Office of Native American Programs (NwONAP); Jeff Kinsey, Prestige Affordable Housing Equity Partners; and John Denton, Bank of the West.
After the ceremony, four new families were approved to move into the finished homes. The project consists of 15 three-bedroom units, 15 four-bedroom units, and five five-bedroom units, all of which will include two bathrooms, full-sized washer and dryers, and attached one-car garages. Our own Travois Design & Construction Services team provided the designs for the homes, and I’ve had the pleasure of watching the progression of the homes on my monthly construction-monitoring visits. Read more about the project on our website.
Also, check out terrific news reports of the day from Warm Springs radio,, and in the Spilyay Tympoo newspaper.
Here are a few photos from the event. Congratulations to the Warm Springs Housing Authority and community on your successful LIHTC project.