Marianne Roos

Marianne Roos

Vice chairman, board of directors

Now that David and I have stepped away from company operations to be board members, it is so much fun to sit back and watch the great people we have brought together do their thing. I look at our architects’ design work, and I am blown away. David and I launched this business because we believed affordable housing could also be beautiful housing. Man, has our team proved us right.

We knew that Indian Country was seeking new investment tools for economic development back in 2006. We had no idea the diversity of projects the New Markets Tax Credit could bring forward.

Housing has been in Travois’ DNA since the beginning. Our housing development and asset management teams continue to prove that tribal housing authorities can build and maintain some of the best affordable housing in the country. National housing organizations are taking notice.

If you have a passion to see your community grow, get in touch with CEO Elizabeth Glynn. You know where you want to go, and Travois can help carry the weight. Get in touch with us today so we can start that journey together.