Travois’ New Markets Tax Credit allocation completely deployed in Indian Country

Congratulations to our 2016-2018 clients who are investing in economic development and positive change for their communities:

Travois New Markets deployed our $50 million New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) allocation, received from the CDFI Fund of the U.S. Treasury in 2016, into these economic developments.

This was our fourth award. In 2012, we received a $70 million award; in 2009, we received an $80 million allocation, and in 2007, we received a $30 million allocation. With these allocations, Travois New Markets has brought investor equity to more than two dozen developments that had faced financing gaps, including: Educare Winnebago, a comprehensive early education facility for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska; and a health and wellness center developed by Little Big Horn College, a tribal college in Montana.

Congratulations to all of our clients who have used NMTCs to do amazing things. Your projects are providing essential services, creating jobs and helping build economies. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of them.

Looking ahead, we have an application pending for another allocation of NMTCs; announcements are expected this coming winter.

If your community has a plan to tackle local economic challenges, please tell us about it here. We have a network of Community Development Entities (CDEs) that may still have allocation available, and we want to help you set the stage for collaboration.

Check out the economic development page on our website to read about what our amazing clients have achieved with Travois’ New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) assistance and see what is possible.